Bondaduz - The medtech firm Hamilton has published a guide to efficient and robust process analysis technologies for the purification and concentration (downstream) of biopharmaceuticals. It provides examples and tips for process monitoring and management of inline sensors.

Hamilton has published a guide for biopharmaceutical manufacturers that aims to help these firms with the development of efficient and downstream processes. These include purification and concentration processes for biopharmaceuticals that follow on from the actual production processes (upstream). The whitepaper with the title Biopharma PAT: Downstream Critical Process Parameters is designed to help biopharmaceutical manufacturers to precisely define the critical quality characteristics and to control the corresponding critical process parameters by way of appropriate process analytical technologies.

In a press release, Hamilton highlights that the basis for this is always inline process monitoring. However, this usually entails huge challenges in terms of the system design. In this context, Hamilton uses the whitepaper to examine critical process parameters that must be controlled for each process step.

According to Giovanni Campolongo, Senior Market Segment Manager Biopharma at Hamilton, the company “often sees that our customers in biopharmaceutical production find it difficult to select optimal process analytical technologies (PAT) that are both robust and efficient. With the new whitepaper, he adds, Hamilton is aiming “to present systems that achieve precisely this. At the same time, we offer examples and provide practical information as to how inline sensors can be optimally used to monitor downstream processes”. ce/mm

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