The ICT cluster is an important sector in the Canton of Zug – encompassing more than 1,300 companies (estimate 2014) and over 8,300 jobs – and an essential component of the Zug industry. Services provided by the ICT cluster support locally and globally active enterprises. The high number of ICT firms benefits other industry clusters, and increases the availability of highly qualified, international specialists. Enterprises based not only in the Canton of Zug, but operating around the world benefit from Zug’s ICT cluster, since these enterprises represent potential customers for ICT service providers.

Activities include the marketing of applications, cloud computing, system integration and analysis of «big data». These service offerings enable optimal use of resources, market development and customer support, as well as provision of webbased software, middleware and other IT resources from which all locally residing companies can benefit. They cover the needs in order to be successful in the digitalized world. Alongside these dedicated ICT firms, many larger companies have their own IT departments. Notable in this regard is for example Roche Diagnostics International, where more than 600 employees work in IT.

IT specialists from the canton of Zug

In response to the increased interest in computer science professionals and due to the megatrends of the digital economy and society, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences has opened its sixth department, the Lucerne School of information technology, at the Suurstoffi site in Rotkreuz. It offers bachelor’s degrees in computer science, business information technology and digital ideation as well as master’s degrees in engineering and business information technology. In addition to this, continuing education programs update and deepen knowledge on information technologies and their application in companies, administrations and society. IT specialists can choose between six Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), 14 Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and three continuing education courses in the areas of computer science and business information technology.

Cooperation with companies and institutions from the region

In its research, the department focuses on the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, digitalization, visual computing, information security and anonymization, mobile systems and data intelligence. The researchers are currently working on more than 20 projects, many of them in cooperation with companies from the region.

Photocredit: Zug Estates (

About the author


Beat Bachmann is the key contact partner for companies interested in setting up business in the Canton of Zug. As the head of what is, in effect, a «one-stop-shop», he makes every effort to help companies and their staff feel at home in Zug in the shortest possible time. He facilitates introductions to important contact persons in both the private and public sectors, and cultivates close ties with the local economy. Beat Bachmann holds a Master of Arts in Finance from the University of St. Gallen HSG. Before leading the Zug Economic Promotion office, he worked in management positions in national and international companies and markets for over 20 years. He has experience in business development, key account management, finance and project management in life sciences, consumer goods, real estate, and ICT industries.

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