Zurich - LEXR provides technology companies with various legal services. It is now relying on a solution based on artificial technology to review agreements. This technology was developed by Legartis, a startup from Zurich.

LEXR, a company based in Zurich, supports technology companies with legal queries. It also helps them to review data processing agreements (DPAs). This work will be automated in future. According to a press release, LEXR will use an artificial intelligence (AI) solution from Legartis to do so in future.

Artificial intelligence from Legartis reviews agreements for LEXR
Image: Pixabay

The Zurich-based startup’s development enables agreements to be reviewed within a matter of seconds. Legartis uses machine learning and natural language processing to do so.

Christian Meisser, CEO of LEXR, is quoted in the press release, saying: “Legartis’s sophisticated AI technology will allow us to review data processing agreements faster and more efficiently. Our clients and lawyers are happy about this faster process, as they can now give their full attention to the important legal aspects.” He adds that using the software will additionally create cost benefits that  LEXR can pass on to its clients.

David Alain Bloch, Co-Founder and CEO of Legartis, is delighted about the collaboration with LEXR, stating that this will also enable small and medium-sized technology companies to access Legartis’s software. The startup plans to further develop its product based on the feedback from LEXR.

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