Blokverse plans to bring a new platform called Attainr to the market, it was reported in a press release. It will be based on distributed ledger technology (DLT), of which blockchain is an example. The aim is to provide a secure and tamper-proof platform for the creation and issuance of digital credentials, which then can be easily verified by the relying parties.
“We see great potential in a DLT’s decentralized approach to process, validate or authenticate transactions,” Netcetera shares in the press release. DLT enables the distribution of data between all parties in the system, instead of only to the participants of a transaction. These inherent attributes of DLT are a great fit for the modern era’s education philosophy of lifelong learning.
“We believe that a proper application of distributed ledger technology – and blockchain, in particular – has a great potential for a significant socio-economic impact,” comments Vladimir Simjanoski, co-founder of Blokverse and former Netcetera management team member. “In the next few months, we are set to deploy our Attainr platform for the management of digital educational credentials.”
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