Zurich – The start-up Modum is joining forces with the organization GS1 Switzerland. Together, the partners are planning to investigate how blockchain technology could become a standard part of shipping goods. Companies operating in the healthcare sector are now being sought for pilot projects.

The Zurich-based blockchain start-up Modum has agreed a collaboration with GS1 Switzerland, as revealed in a press release. GS1 is an international organization which defines global standards – primarily in the form of barcodes – with the aim of increasing the efficiency of value-added networks. GS1 Switzerland is the organization’s Swiss representative arm and is headquartered in Bern.

Modum and GS1 Schweiz now intend to define standards for blockchain applications. The focus will be on a standard for EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services) to allow trading partners to exchange information related to the movement and status of goods on their way along the supply chain. It helps to answer the questions of where, when and why.

According to the information available, the two partners are now looking for companies from the healthcare industry to test such standards as part of pilot projects. The press release explains that blockchain harbors great potential, in particular in the area of transporting fragile goods such as medication.

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