The new crypto exchange offers the trading of Bitcoin, Ether and selected payment and utility tokens, with an emphasis on security, announced a statement. The aim is to provide “safe, high quality and transparent access to blockchain-based products”.
SCX is convinced that blockchain and cryptotechnology will “enable significant improvements and innovations for Switzerland as a business hub”, according to the statement.
Chairman of the board Christian Katz, former head of the SIX exchange, explained that because blockchain transactions are sometimes still criticized for their lack of transparency, we need a secure crypto exchange to transfer them to a normalized market.
SCX works with Swiss partners in the fields of IT and finance, with transactions from traditional currency to crypto conducted only via banks that are partners of SCX.
According to CEO Cyrill Tröndle, SCX “complies with all regulations in relation to blockchain and cryptocurrencies”. The company describes itself as “the first regulated Swiss exchange platform for blockchain products and cryptocurrencies”.
SCX currently employs a team of 22 staff in Zurich and Europe. Its data centres are located in Central Switzerland.
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