Manno/Sant'Antonio TI – The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) and the logistics company Interroll have created a digital testing system for air cushion storage together within the context of an Innosuisse project. New machines, tests and a data collection platform have been developed for this.

SUPSI und Interroll
Image credit: Ausschnitt aus Interroll-Video


Interroll has digitalized and automated its testing department at its headquarters in Sant'Antonio within the context of the Innosuisse project Qu4lity. To do so, the Department of Innovative Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) collaborated “on the frontline” of the development of new machines, tests and the data collection platform according to a press release from SUPSI. Industry partners and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts were also involved.

The project created testing machines at Interroll’s Global Center of Excellence for Polymers that can certify the conformity of air cushion storage, for example. Specifically, in addition to a dynamic test that can be used to conclusively check these items, a new storage assessment system with artificial intelligence was tested and validated. This method enables determination within just a few seconds of whether a store is displaying the usual behavior or not, which would then involve further tests.

Moreover, SUPSI has developed the IDA (Intelligent Data Analysis) platform with Interroll. This collects and coordinates the data from test machines. The aim is to speed up tests and predict any potential deviations. Within the context of Industry 4.0, linking of production machines is another possible application for the platform according to SUPSI.

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