Haifa - Switzerland has climbed one place in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2024 compiled by Israeli research center StartupBlink and is now number 10 in the rankings. Switzerland has a total of 17 cities in the Top 1,000, with Zurich, Lausanne, Zug, Geneva and Basel ranked between 60th and 129th.

StartupBlink has named Switzerland as the 10th most attractive country for startups in its recently published Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2024. This means it has moved up one place since last year and has overtaken Australia in the rankings. The U.S., the U.K. and Israel take first, second and third place respectively, followed by Canada, Singapore, Sweden, Germany, France and the Netherlands. Switzerland is ranked sixth in Europe.

In its country report for Switzerland, the index paints a picture of a country in which both the public sector, for example through InnosuisseSwissnex, the cantons and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, and the private sector, through organizations such as digitalswitzerland, provide a favorable environment for startups. Switzerland is ranked sixth globally for its business score; second globally for the number of R&D branches of global technology companies such as IBM, Intel and Microsoft; and fourth globally for the impact of its exits above $1 billion.

Switzerland has 17 cities in the global Top 1,000 – one fewer than in the previous year. According to the report, the three most important ecosystems – Zurich, Lausanne and Zug – are showing positive momentum. However, in contrast to the other Top 10 countries, no Swiss cities feature in the Top 50.

Zurich comes 60th in the global city rankings and 13th in Western Europe. Its top industry, robotics, is 15th in the worldwide rankings. The report highlights the collaborative spirit of the city’s startup ecosystem, with its many support organizations.

Lausanne is ranked 108th globally overall, and its top industry, 3D printing, is 21st worldwide. Zug has climbed to third place in Switzerland and 112th place globally, while its blockchain industry is ranked 15th worldwide. Geneva has slipped seven places to 122, and Basel has dropped three places to 129. Schaffhausen has entered the rankings at sixth place in Switzerland and number 327 globally, which the report points out is the highest new entry this year. ce/mm

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