Virtual Reality Augmented Reality in the Greater Zurich Area

Virtual reality & augmented reality

VR is at the gate – Virtual & Augmented Reality in the Greater Zurich Area

Companies involved in spatial computing technologies such as virtual, augmented, or mixed reality encounter outstanding conditions in the Greater Zurich Area: highly qualified technical workforce, research facilities with global recognition, and worldwide technology leaders such as Meta, Google, Magic Leap, and Microsoft, which are developing VR/AR solutions in Zurich. 

The Zurich economic region belongs alongside Silicon Valley as a global hub in the field of Computer Vision, the base technologies for VR/AR and other future applications. The Greater Zurich Area offers concentrated technology expertise in the most stable environment in Europe.

Information technology in the Greater Zurich Area

Information technology in the Greater Zurich Area

Where world-class technology meets Swiss reliability

The Greater Zurich Area is a leading location for IT companies in Europe - just ask global tech giants like Apple, Disney, Google, and IBM that have found success in the region. Companies that locate information technology operations in the Greater Zurich Area benefit from wide availability of skilled talent, opportunity for cooperative efforts with top universities and innovative start-ups, and a stable, business friendly atmosphere.

Tech giants conduct research in Zurich

The Disney Research Lab in Zurich is the sole location where the American media company is actively involved in research and development outside the USA. Disney has been researching and developing new technologies for film production for more than ten years. Management of the Disney Research Lab is under ETH Professor Markus Gross, and hence provides the best options for cooperative efforts and promotes an exchange of ideas. As a result, Disney Research Lab also has access to a broad spectrum of expert knowledge. 

Microsoft as well runs a lab for mixed reality and artificial intelligence in Greater Zurich under the management of Professor Pollefeys and in close cooperation with ETH Zürich. While Disney made stylized fantasy figures using geometric recording of human faces and expressions (facial motion capture) in the film and entertainment industry, Microsoft was updating its augmented reality glasses, HoloLens. 

Virtual reality stops at nothing before social media. Meta was enticed to Zurich to leverage the expertise at ETH in the field of computer vision, devices, and computers to perceive its environment precisely. The group invested in virtual reality and integrated the Oculus headset. Meta is continually expanding its research facility and, together with ETH, has worked out the core technology for the next Oculus gear.

Ecosystem with research facilities

Ecosystem with research facilities

A system with research facilities, start-ups and established companies has evolved within Greater Zurich. ETH Zurich is among one of the biggest drivers, as well as serving as a catalyst. All technical areas of the ETH are renowned, from Engineering to Computer Science. Thus, tech giants including Microsoft and Disney Research benefit alongside ETH in Zurich

Virtual reality ushers in a new era

Virtual reality ushers in a new era

Virtual reality is no longer just for gamers. Medical practitioners, architects and designers are already using the new technology, for example in treating phobias or rehearsing difficult operations. Buildings can be planned virtually, and customers can be taken on virtual tours. Even filmmakers and journalists are discovering 360° videos. In contrast to classic VR content, these are not created on the computer, but rather are filmed using special cameras. Virtual reality takes users to places where access would normally not be possible, like the aorta for a heart surgery or the streets of a war zone.

Even Swiss media outlet, Blick Online, has quickly recognized the creative advantages of virtual reality and is among the companies to get on the VR bandwagon early on. An increasing number of readers are enthralled with 360 degree videos. That’s why virtual reality is now a routine component at the editorial office.

Growth in Zurich – tech city

Growth in Zurich – tech city

The odds are good that the number of tech firms will continue to increase. Switzerland and the Zurich economic region have held peak positions for years in talent recruitment, innovative force, competitiveness and quality of life. The Greater Zurich Area’s first-class research institutes, functional exchange of knowledge, world-renowned “Made in Switzerland” designation of quality, high investments in top research, dual education system with extensive practical know-how and, last but not least, a high quality of life are appealing factors that make it ideal for companies, researchers and technical experts.

ETH Zurich as a think tank for virtual reality and augmented reality

ETH Zurich has become a think tank and successful innovator for virtual and augmented reality. In an internal study, robots have successfully learned rowing and demonstrated how a training session with a robot could be used in the future. The robotic trainer collects data and analyzes it in real time. The robot uses tones or touches to call out errors in training. Another research group at ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne have developed an ultra-light glove that allows the wearer to “touch” and manipulate virtual objects. The glove, named DextrES, weighs less than eight grams and provides the wearer with extremely realistic, haptic feedback. 

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