GZA annual result 2020

On this page, you can find all information and documents related to the 2020 annual result of Greater Zurich Area Ltd (GZA). Most documents are only available in German.


Despite Corona – 86 successful investment projects create 510 new jobs

To the press release with the most important facts and figures

1,600 new jobs are planned for the next five years.

"GZA had to reinvent itself."

To the conversation with the management about investment promotion during the global pandemic (in German)

Most companies come from technologies with a high level of innovation and added value.

How do GZA employees around the world experience the pandemic?

To the video interviews (partly in German)

Most companies come from the USA, Germany and China.

Download the annual report

To the annual report as PDF with facts, figures, comments and selected highlights (in German)

77% of all investment projects come from direct acquisitions and referrals from strategic partners.

Selected successes: Palantir, Speed U Up, Jenji, FuPlus, SHL Medical, Ren Systems


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