Eawag is the water research institute within the ETH domain. This domain includes the two universities of ETH Zurich and ETH Lausanne (EPFL), and the four independent research institutes Empa, PSI, WSL and Eawag. Firmly anchored in its home country of Switzerland but with a global network, Eawag develops concepts and technology that enable water as a resource and bodies of water to be utilized sustainably.
Eawag's research departments work in three key areas of research:
Eawag Mission Statement
In collaboration with universities, other research institutes, public bodies, industry and non-governmental organizations, Eawag works to harmonize environmental, economic and social interests with regard to water usage. It thereby serves as a bridge between science and practice.
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The Greater Zurich Area Foundation and the operational Greater Zurich Area Ltd. (GZA) are supported by 30+ supporters from the private sector and academia. Curious to know who the others are?

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