Computer Vision Greater Zurich Area

Computer vision

The Greater Zurich Area is one of the world's leading centers for computer vision - thanks to leading universities, top talent, a dynamic start-up scene, and global tech giants. 

The major players in tech conduct research in Greater Zurich, including in the areas of machine vision and learning: Google, Apple, Meta, Magic Leap, Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, Oracle, Disney, or graphics processor and chip manufacturer Nvidia. The same applies to established Swiss companies such as ABB, Leica Geosystems or Roche. 

As a cross-sectional technology, computer vision also benefits from related technologies and its pioneering research conducted in the Greater Zurich Area: Information technologies, electrical engineering, sensor technology, extended and mixed reality, or artificial intelligence.

Pioneerin start-up from Greater Zurich: Sevensense Robotics (acquired by ABB).


Discover the reasons, why Greater Zurich is a leading hub for computer vision:

Universities and research institutes

Universities and research institutes

ETH Zurich anchors the computer vision ecosystem with basic disciplines such as computer science, electronics, and mechanical engineering, as well as with institutes, laboratories, and research groups specializing in computer vision. In addition to teaching and fundamental scientific research, ETH Zurich also emphasizes the importance of applied research and collaboration with industry.

The University of Zurich’s international reputation also plays a significant role and applied research projects are conducted at a number of research centers in the Greater Zurich Area. Some examples include Wyss Zurich (jointly operated by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich), Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, University of Applied Sciences of the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland SUPSI, and University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW. There are also private research institutes such as the new Microsoft Mixed Reality & AI Lab and the Disney Research Lab, headed by ETH Zurich professors.

Dynamic start-up scene

Dynamic start-up scene

Numerous start-up companies use computer vision in a wide variety of applications.

Here are just a few of the many examples: Aerotain (broadcasting drone); ANYbotics (mobile robots); Auterion (drone control); Fotokite (camera drone); Scandit (barcode scanner); pixelmolkerei (VR for medical health professionals); Inspacion (virtual design for a surgical space); Wingtra (drone data-mapping); Heptagon (sensor technology, acquired by AMS); Fashwell (recognition for e-commerce, acquired by Apple); Kooaba (cloud-based recognition, acquired by Qualcomm/Vuforia); Dacuda (real-time computer vision; acquired by Magic Leap); Upicto (video recognition; acquired by Logitech); and Zurich Eye (virtual reality, acquired by Meta/Oculus).

Investors and incubators

Investors and incubators

Company founders now find a thriving climate in which to raise venture capital. An open network in which successful founders support and invest in the next generation of start-ups characterizes the Greater Zurich Area. Within this ecosystem, numerous incubators, accelerators, techno-parks and co-working spaces prosper. Get informed about why Greater Zurich is a leading innovation hub and reach out to our team for more in-depth information. 

The ecosystem for computer vision in the Greater Zurich Area is perfect. It's easy to recruit talent here.
Marc Pollefeys, ETH Computer Vision, Microsoft MR & AI Lab
Marc Pollefeys - Professor for Computer Science at ETH Zurich, Head of the Microsoft Mixed Reality & AI Lab

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Ready to tap into Greater Zurich's innovation hub yourself?

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Information Technology Greater Zurich Area