Schwyz – An event on the fascination in robotics. 

Roland Siegwart is Professor of Autonomous Systems at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH). He is also Co-Director of the accelerator Wyss Zurich. He praises Switzerland as a stimulating and attractive environment for robotics.  

Siegwart emphasizes that universities in Switzerland such as ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne are developing extremely well. The two universities offer the necessary control and intelligence, enabling them to apply their expertise effectively. They have created multiple other successful spin-off companies, especially in robotics. Switzerland attracts a wide pool of international talent, which further strengthens the startup scene.

Yanik and Roland Siegwart with the roboter "Voliro".

For Siegwart, robots are no competitors for humans, "Quite the opposite - humans and robots could ideally complement each other: Machines do the strenuous, repetitive work; humans do the creative activities that require interactions with other humans."



The Greater Zurich Area continues to be a global leader in robotics, drone technology and computer vision. There are close ties in the region between the industry, world-class universities and researchers and innovation-friendly authorities. This has driven revolutionary advancements, attracted leading technology firms and talent and encouraged entrepreneurship in the region, leading to unmatched opportunities for robot technology companies.

Robotics Greater Zurich Area

Ascento Pro

Ascento pro_ETH

Dominik Mannhart and Alessandro Morra presented Ascento Pro, their newest creation. The robot can climb full flights of stairs, drive at up to 12km/h and all this for up to 8h per battery charge.


Robotic Hand Orthosis for Therapy and Assistance in Activities of Daily Living

Jan Dittli, Tenoexo

Jan Dittli presented tenoexo, a compact and lightweight hand exoskeleton. It assists patients with moderate to severe hand motor impairment with grasping tasks in rehabilitation training and activities of daily living. 


Robotics in viticulture

Robotics im Weinbau Greater Zurich Area

Mr. Nikolas von Haugwitz, Managing Director at Schuler St. Jakobskellerei, presented the application of robots in viticulture. They assist in different tasks such as irrigation, cultivation and harvesting. (Image: Geier)

Why Greater Zurich Area

Multinationals, SMEs and startups that are in Greater Zurich enjoy a high availability of talent. This is thanks to a multitude of renowned higher education institutions in the region. On an international level, the European Commission has made artificial intelligence in Europe a priority for the next several years. These advantages have attracted some of the finest robotics companies in the world to the Greater Zurich Area.

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  • Introduction to key contacts in industry, academia, and government
  • Advice on regulatory framework, taxes, labor, market, and setting up a company
  • Custom-made fact-finding visits, including office and co-working space