Netstal - Kalkfabrik Netstal lime factory in the canton of Glarus has presented its project for capturing CO2 from lime production. This aims to highly concentrate the CO2 in waste gas and then liquefy it. Federal Councillor Albert Rösti attested to the great global potential of the technology at the presentation.
Kalkfabrik Netstal presents CO2 capture project

Kalkfabrik Netstal (KFN) plans to liquefy around three quarters of its daily CO2 emissions from lime production instead of releasing them into the atmosphere. To do so, KFN plans to install an oxyfuel furnace with waste gas recirculation in the lime shaft kiln. Now, the company has presented its CO2 capture project at the lime factory.

According to a press release from KFN, Member of the Swiss Federal Council and Head of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Albert Rösti also took part in the presentation. He described the project as an important contribution to climate protection and attested that the corresponding technology also has great global potential.

Kalkfabrik Netstal presents CO2 capture project 2

Using the oxyfuel furnace with waste gas recirculation and various innovations within the structure of the lime kiln, the aim is to increase the CO2 concentration in waste gas to more than 75 percent by volume. This enables CO2 to then be liquefied in an energy-efficient manner, KFN explains. The liquid CO2 can then be fed into further processing or permanent storage KFN.

Simulations and tests have already confirmed the potential of an oxyfuel furnace on the planned scale. Currently, KFN and its technology partner Maerz Ofenbau are undertaking preparatory works for its implementation in Netstal. KFN writes that there are still questions to be answered regarding the funding. However, Konrad H. Marti, Head of Corporate Development at KFN, expects the project to be able to be implemented in the near future with suitable funding. ce/hs

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