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Riverbed Technology is a company that enables organisations to modernise their networks and applications with industry-leading software-defined technology, as well as application acceleration and performance management solutions, which ultimately enables organisations to be successful in a cloud and digital world. Riverbed is headquartered in San Francisco, California and the company has recently relocated its Swiss office and moved to the heart of downtown Zurich. Here's why.

It has been a couple of months since Riverbed has opened its newly relocated Swiss office to Löwenstrasse, in Zurich. Klaus-Peter Kaul, Regional Director Switzerland, is still delighted about the move. "Zurich offers everything we need as a company to realise further growth and provide our customers with the support they require", describes Kaul. "Relocating the office in Zurich was ultimately a no-brainer. On one hand, the conditions for our team are perfect, because the city offers everything needed from an employer's point of view and is also so close to the airport. Experts from our global HQ is in San Francisco or from other European locations are able to reach the airport in 10 minutes - this is a great asset."

But Zurich is not only close to the airport, it is also close to all of the major clients and potential clients according to Kaul: "Switzerland and especially the Greater Zurich Area offers incomparable locational advantages for the establishment of a company headquartered in Europe", states Kaul. Advantages according to him are the political consistency, economic prosperity, legal certainty and advanced data protection in the country. Kaul adds: "The level of education of the population is as high as the demands on the quality of their own performance. Employees are generally accustomed to multilingual and cultural diversity. From an employer's point of view, these are invaluable assets" At the same time, according to Kaul, Zurich benefits from its central location in the heart of Europe. "It is no wonder that many international companies choose to set up an office in Zurich. At Riverbed, we want to be close to our clients and help them as fast as we can. They are internationally minded, and so are we."

SD-WAN -market grows 69.6% per year....SD-what?

"It can be quite difficult to explain what we do...", says Klaus-Peter Kaul jokingly, "...but let me try: nowadays, companies often have so called software-defined networks. These networks are driven by the software and decoupled from hardware, but are mainly for internal data centers at a campus or a Headquarter. Software defined wide area networks (SD-WAN) push this concept on a global level. To give you an example: a company can handle all of its applications from the HQ in Zurich, while a worker in a branch in Beijing can still directly access a specific app through the cloud, instead of having the information go through the Beijing branch first. This means more speed, more efficiency, less data centers and therefore significant cost savings." According to estimates of the International Data Corporation (IDC) worldwide SD-WAN infrastructure and services revenues will see an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 69.6% and reach $8.05 billion in 2021.

"Internationally minded companies need to be able to deliver data as fast as possible to all their branches around the world - with our technology and expertise will help them do just that...and save them a lot of money in the process. Zurich is the hub for a wide array of international companies, and therefore an ideal opportunity for Riverbed to get in touch with these companies and help them make the next step in their digital transformation journey."

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Zurich is the perfect place to help internationally minded companies move their business into the Cloud
Klaus-Peter Kaul
Klaus-Peter Kaul - Senior Regional Sales Director, Riverbed

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