The new online platform Swiss Crypto Guide will offer start-ups and SMEs operating in the crypto industry free guidance in connection with legal questions. The platform was launched by a lawyer with the support of location promotion organizations.

The crypto industry in Switzerland continues to grow despite the coronavirus crisis.  According to a report recently published by the investment firm CV VC in collaboration with Strategy& and the IT partner inacta, a total of 919 blockchain companies were already operating out of the Crypto Valley during the first six months of 2020. The Crypto Valley includes the blockchain cluster in both Switzerland and Liechtenstein.  

Companies operating in the crypto industry are now set to receive support in relation to legal questions. To this end, the Swiss Crypto Guide platform was launched just a few days ago. It offers pre-sorted information on the legal environment and regulatory matters free of charge. The platform is available in both German and English, and is primarily aimed at start-ups in addition to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The platform was the brainchild of Dr. Karin Lorez, who, as the responsible legal counsel, accompanied the first-time launch of crypto investments by a Swiss bank. The English-language version of the platform was realized with the support of the Office for Economy and Labor of the canton of Zurich, the business and economic development organization of the canton of Zurich as well as Switzerland Global Enterprise.

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