Our services

As the best connected Swiss business empowerer for companies looking to grow internationally, we assist companies to invest, establish, expand, or relocate businesses to the Greater Zurich Area. Our customized advice based around key business drivers helps expanding companies to make better informed decisions more quickly. 

All our services are free of charge.

Don't just take our word for it, hear what one of our clients had to say about their tailored site visit to the Greater Zurich Area:

Builder.ai gives positive feedback on their site visit to the Greater Zurich Area

Want to plan your own site visit? Can we put you in touch with a peer company or research institute? Do you need any information regarding your strategic expansion to Switzerland's technology and business center? Contact us.

Reach out to us - we are supporting your business expansion

Lukas Huber Portrait
Lukas Huber
COO & Executive Director China
Lukas Sieber Portrait
Lukas Sieber
Executive Director USA
Rolf Bühler Portrait
Rolf Bühler
Director Europe