The data science revolution has arrived, impacting the very heart of our society. From healthcare to public transport, from politics to agriculture, most aspects of our lives are being affected. At the Data Science Laboratory (Datalab) of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, those responsible are convinced that data science is not only highly relevant at the moment, but also the most exciting career to pursue. At the Datalab, their passion for the subject is boundless.

The Datalab is a leading nationally and internationally recognised centre of excellence for research, teaching and services in the area of data science – and the pride of the Winterthur region location promoter! It closely cooperates with industry, thus enabling innovation and the rapid transfer of technology.

Data comes in many forms: structured, unstructured, static, streaming, open, and hidden. The art of application-oriented data science is the mediation between the underlying business case and this ‘raw’ data. How can we discover, process, augment, aggregate and analyse data in order to gain insight and add value?

In order to reach these goals, the Winterthur location promoter and the Datalab itself foster interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of ideas among our members and associates. For example, the ‘Swiss Conference on Data Science’ was founded, a series of industrial-academic conferences have taken place, and Datalab already plays an active role in the ‘Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services’. Research, teaching at ZHAW Datalab, and also networking are some of the keys to finding seminal collaboration with industry partners. Be part of it now!


About the author

Michael Domeisen, born in 1975, is a scion of a St. Gallen industrial family. He studied economic geography, political science and biology at the University of Bern and the Universidad de Cantabria in Santander. After completing his degree he worked for the national government and after several years moved into the area of association management. At the same time he completed postgraduate work in corporate management. Prior to relocating to Winterthur, he worked as the CEO of a major professional association in the health care industry. Michael Domeisen is today general manager of the Location Promotion Winterthur Region and manager in the area of economic development.

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