GZA webinar series

Greater Zurich Area Ltd (GZA) presents webinars on relevant topics that companies need to focus on when expanding into or within Europe. The webinars give you the opportunity to get first-hand information about new developments in the region and how your company can benefit from them.

Previous GZA webinars

Virtual Swiss Drone Industry Tour: Partner and Deploy (14. Dezember 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Virtual Swiss Drone Industry Tour: Testing and Refinement (7. Dezember 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Virtual Swiss Drone Industry Tour: Collaborate and Innovate (2. Dezember 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Scaling MedTech in Greater Zurich (19. November 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Virtual Swiss Drone Industry Tour: Home of Drones (16. November 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Virtual Tech Tour Light CSEM (24. September 2020)

In collaboration with Confindustria Bergamo

Virtual Tech Tour Light SUPSI (14. Juli 2020)

In collaboration with Confindustria Bergamo.


Sustainable Fintech in Switzerland (9. Juli 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here


Swiss Cybersecurity (27. Mai 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here


VC Funding in Switzerland (20. Mai 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Scale in Switzerland - Accelerator Programs (15. April 2020)

Download the webinar presentation here

Meet the unicorns – Greater Zurich as the preferred location for successful start-ups (7. November 2019)

Download the webinar presentation here


The real cost of doing business in Switzerland (18. September 2019)

Download the webinar presentation here.


Flying high – Why Switzerland for drone technology (12. Juni 2019):

Download the webinar presentation here


Going global in Biopharma: How to navigate the regulatory maze (29. Mai 2019)

Download the webinar presentation here.


Swiss corporate tax reform – what's next? (21. Mai 2019)

Download the webinar presentation here.


Self driving vehicles - what’s ahead in Switzerland (31. Mai 2018)

Swiss game industry gathers speed (3. Mai 2018)

Data-protecting the "new gold" (18. Dezember 2017)

Humanify Machines (29. September 2017)


Lukas Sieber Portrait
Lukas Sieber
Executive Director USA

Meet with an expansion expert

Our services are free of charge and include:

  • Introduction to key contacts in industry, academia, and government
  • Advice on regulatory framework, taxes, labor, market, and setting up a company
  • Custom-made fact-finding visits, including office and co-working space