Zurich - Zurich-based Smart Blood Analytics Swiss has become the first company to obtain EU-MDR certification for software that uses artificial intelligence to interpret blood test results. This will enable faster and more accurate clinical decisions.
SBAS artificial intelligence interprets blood test results
Smart Blood Analytics Swiss makes history with AI-driven blood test analysis.


Smart Blood Analytics Swiss has obtained European Medical Device Regulation (EU-MDR) for its SBAS Software. This makes it the first artificial intelligence (AI) blood test interpretation medical device to be recognized in Europe. As a company press release explains, it is now one of just 10 AI medical device companies to hold this prestigious certification, which guarantees that a medical device has been rigorously tested for safety and quality and complies with EU requirements.

According to the press release, SBAS Software not only improves speed and accuracy in interpreting blood test results but also gives medical professionals valuable insights into the health of their patients. Smart Blood Analytics Swiss, which was founded in 2016, is focused on improving differential diagnosis. It uses machine learning algorithms to develop various AI models that predict the most probable diagnoses, based solely on an individual’s blood test results.

“Receiving EU-MDR certification is a testament to our dedication to innovation and patient well-being,” says CEO and founder Dr Marko Notar, adding that it is “a recognition of our commitment to delivering the highest quality solutions to healthcare professionals and, ultimately, to patients worldwide.” ce/mm

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