Zimmer Biomet

The long tradition of orthopedics and wealth of know-how in Winterthur convinced Zimmer to base its European headquarters in the Greater Zurich Area.

Zimmer operates branches in 24 countries and employs more than 8500 people. This makes it a global leader in the area of treating musculoskeletal disorders. In 2003, the American orthopedic company acquired the Winterthur-based Centerpulse (formerly Sulzer Medica) and established this location as its headquarters in Europe.

Thanks to its technical expertise and high productivity, Zimmer will continue to grow in Winterthur. «We are planning further investments to meet the growing international demand,» Luigi  Sorrentino, General Manager in Winterthur, explains. He feels that the growth factors have a lot to do with today's lifestyle. Life expectancy is increasing constantly, as is the quality of living and the desire to be mobile – even in old age.

«The region offers a concentration of medtech know-how that is unique in the world,» Luigi Sorrentino comments. This expertise is deepened on an ongoing basis through the exchange of institutionalized knowledge and practical experience. The Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) are located in close proximity to Zimmer's headquarters. Zimmer collaborates with these institutions in the form of research contracts, term papers and final theses.

The business location promotion association was and is a key connecting link between Zimmer GmbH, the public authorities and the city administration. It assists Zimmer as a contact point for issues related to the Winterthur business location and facilitates contact with the political, industrial and administrative sectors.

zimmer logo

The region offers an exceptional concentration of medtech know-how.
Luigi Sorrentino - former General Manager, Zimmer GmbH

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  • Introduction to key contacts in industry, academia, and government
  • Advice on regulatory framework, taxes, labor, market, and setting up a company
  • Custom-made fact-finding visits, including office and co-working space