KAYAK is the world’s leading travel search engine. KAYAK searches other travel sites and shows travelers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages.
The company’s website and apps also offer tools to help travelers plan and manage their trip, including price alerts, price forecasts and free itinerary management. Each year, KAYAK processes more than one billion searches for travel information and has local sites in more than 30 countries and 18 languages. KAYAK is an independently managed subsidiary of The Priceline Group. KAYAK was founded in 2004 by Steve Hafner and Paul M. English and is headquartered in Stamford, CT, USA.
KAYAK opened its European headquarters in Zürich in March 2011. The Zurich office is critical to KAYAK's growth efforts in Europe. Jan Valentin, Managing Director, KAYAK Europe, comments: " We also looked at Ireland, but Switzerland proved the better option for the needs of our European headquarters. Our business is based on innovation at a very fast pace. We indeed always look for new talents, who are tech savvy and have international experiences. Zurich is a good place for exactly this.
Our employees enjoy an above European standard of living at KAYAK’s Swiss home base, which makes for an exceptional corporate culture. They often travel to other countries since we manage our European and - to some extent - other worldwide locales from our Swiss office. Being in Zurich with its international airport close by, hardly any of our markets are more than three flight hours away.”

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