瑞士每百万人口拥有 772 项学术专利,是欧洲学术发明数量第二高的国家。丹麦以 800 项专利位居榜首。与瑞典和丹麦一样,瑞士也是每名全职员工拥有学术专利数量最多的国家之一,位列前三。
这些数据来自欧洲专利局的一项研究。欧洲专利局局长 António Campinos 在为该局目前出版的首份学术专利申请综合分析报告撰写的前言中写道,研究结果 “清楚地表明,大学研究有益于欧洲所有地区的当地生态系统,无论是小型公司还是大型企业”。
根据这项研究,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)在 2000 年至 2020 年间申请学术专利的初创企业数量(101 家)方面处于领先地位。瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)也跻身欧洲最佳 25 所大学之列,以 83 家初创企业的总数排名第五。苏黎世大学以 60 家初创企业排名第 12 位。在此期间,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院共提交了 2,219 项专利申请,联邦理工学院和苏黎世大学分别提交了 1,697 项和 930 项。巴塞尔大学提交了 470 项专利申请,洛桑大学提交了 363 项。
在所有学术专利中,初创企业占 12%。总体而言,在所有间接学术专利申请中,80%由企业提交,其中三分之一由中小企业提交。就每家初创企业提交的申请数量而言,法国的欧洲专利申请平均为 3.1 项,略高于德国(2.8 项)。这一数字与英国(3.0)、瑞典(2.83)和瑞士(2.39)相当,但远远高于意大利(1.7)。
According to the study, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) leads the way in terms of the number of start-ups with academic patent applications (101) recorded between 2000 and 2020. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) is also among the best 25 universities in Europe, securing a rank of 5th with a total of 83 start-ups. The University of Zurich (UZH) is in 12th place with 60 start-ups. In total, ETH submitted 2,219 patent applications across this period, with EPFL and UZH responsible for 1,697 and 930 respectively. The University of Basel reported 470 patents, while the University of Lausanne racked up 363.
Start-ups accounted for 12 percent of all academic patents. Overall, companies filed 80 percent of all indirect academic patent applications, one third of which were filed by SMEs. In terms of the number of applications filed per start-up, France has an average of 3.1 European patent applications, slightly ahead of Germany (2.8). This is comparable with the United Kingdom (3.0), Sweden (2.83) and Switzerland (2.39), but well ahead of Italy (1.7). ce/mm
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