According to CreditGate24, the total volume of the 1,000 loans financed since its platform was founded in March 2015 is more than 52 million Swiss francs. In total, loans in the amount of over 200 million francs were applied for in the past 2.5 years. 

With 22 million francs, 43 per cent of the loans financed were for Swiss SMEs, while 28 million francs in private loans were financed.

CreditGate24 says that its success has been driven in particular by the creation of a secondary market in January of this year, which allows investors to resell already subscribed portions of loans, for example when they require liquidity. The mostly two to three year maturities on the loans brokered had previously resulted in caution, especially among private investors. To date, more than 900 portions of loans have already been successfully resold on the secondary market. 

The brokerage platform expects to gain additional impetus from the new banking ordinance, which came into force in August of this year and which will allow over 20 investors to now invest in a credit project.

CreditGate24 also redesigned its online presence in order to better meet the demands of its customers on both the borrower and investor side. The application process has been simplified for borrowers, while investors now get a better overview of current projects in the primary and secondary markets. 

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