The canton is “consciously allowing time for companies to move in and focus on quality”, according to a statement from the canton of Graubünden on the Vial Industrial Park project. It is looking primarily for export-oriented, value-added intensive, and technology-oriented companies.


As a life sciences and medical technology group, Hamilton fits well into this scheme. In addition to its site in Bonaduz in the canton of Graubünden, the company – which is also active in sensor technology, laboratory automation and storage technology – will establish a second site in the Vial Industrial Park with Hamilton Ems AG. 


The structure of the planned four-storey building already exists, and 100 employees of Hamilton Ems AG are expected to move in next spring. The company plans to produce “intelligent consumer goods for its own products in an efficient and sustainable manner” in the new location.


The canton of Graubünden is also in negotiations with three other companies, one of which is the Kamkorp Group, a British e-mobility company.


Companies that move into the Vial Industrial Park will have the opportunity to connect to the local district heating network, which is currently being built by the municipality of Domat/Ems together with IBC Energie Wasser Chur and Rhiienergie AG. Hamilton Ems AG will be the first customer. Waste heat from neighbouring industrial plants will be supplied to the Ems West region step-by-step. 

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