Winterthur - The start-up Terensis combines satellite imaging, weather data and plant models to make forecasts regarding the cultivation and harvesting of agricultural products. Users of the services include, for example, farmers as well as insurance companies and politicians.

Terensis, an agricultural service provider based in Winterthur, has installed a new system to forecast the cultivation and harvesting of field crops. For its analyses and forecasts, the spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) uses satellite imaging and weather forecast data, as well as plant and soil analyses of the respective area under consideration, further details of which can be found in a press release issued by ETH.

From the data sets obtained from various sources, Terensis creates a digital twin of reality, which can be used to present accurate and up-to-date analyses of the cultivation of agricultural products and forecasts of expected harvests in a timely manner. With the help of real-time satellite images, biophysical models and weather forecasts, maps can be created from which farmers can deduce the growth and ripeness of their crops. The constant updating of the models also allows insights to be gained in relation to risks such as weather influences or disease infestation, in addition to offering the farmers the option of using irrigation techniques, fertilizers or pest control in a targeted manner. The new technology developed by Terensis is also of interest to insurance companies when it comes to predicting damage from climate developments and calculating future insurance premiums. In addition, the company, led by its founders Lukas Graf and Gregor Perich, also offers its platform to politicians to support decision-making processes.

Terensis is supported by the ESA Business Incubation Centre Switzerland (ESA BIC CH), a program of the European Space Agency (ESA), which is run by ETH in Switzerland. ce/eb

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