Zurich - Apiax and Crypto Finance, start-ups from the Greater Zurich Area, are the winners at the Swiss FinTech Awards. Moreover, former Swiss Federal Councillor, Johann Schneider-Ammann, was named FinTech Influencer of the Year.

The Swiss FinTech Awards were handed out for the fourth time on Thursday evening in Zurich. Apiax was named as winner in the “Early Stage” category. The Zurich-based start-up has developed a platform allowing lawyers and regulations experts to convert guidelines and directives into machine-readable regulations. These can then be integrated in digital applications.  

Crypto Finance from Zug took the prize in the “Growth Stage” category. The company has been authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory (FINMA) to act as distributor for collective capital investments. This means it is the first cryptocurrency firm from Switzerland to distribute funds to qualified investors.

Furthermore, former Federal Councillor, Johann Schneider-Ammann, also received an award. He was named FinTech Influencer of the Year. This award celebrates people or organizations responsible for driving forward the Swiss FinTech ecosystem with great impetus. Among others, the Swiss Entrepreneurs Foundation was founded under the aegis of Johann Schneider-Ammann. The funds affiliated to the organization are intending to invest in start-ups and SMEs from the second quarter of 2019 onwards. During Schneider-Ammann’s period in office, the regulations governing FinTech start-ups were also relaxed, with the Swiss light banking license being introduced, among other measures.

The Swiss FinTech Awards are awarded by Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum in tandem with partners and FinTech experts.

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