Zurich - Ecospeed is currently developing a software solution to allow hospitals to comply with future reporting requirements regarding their environmental impact. The software also identifies action areas to cut CO2. A German hospital association has signed up as the first pilot customer.

Ecospeed AG will shortly begin the rollout of its software for CO2 accounting in hospitals. According to a press release, the development work for this has now almost been finalized. “Our goal is to provide hospitals and their operating companies with a highly intuitive software solution for holistic greenhouse gas emissions accounting”, comments Ecospeed Managing Director Christoph Hartmann in the press release, before adding: “To achieve this, we are building an industry-specific platform”.

Hartmann goes on to explain that every hospital will be able to use the software “to determine its individual corporate carbon footprint”. As such, this will allow hospitals “to identify action areas and plan a pathway towards gradual decarbonization”. The software will also enable hospitals to document their own success stories in this area. Moreover, it is a way for hospitals to comply with future CSR reporting obligations. In this context, enterprises in the EU will be obliged to disclose how and to what extent they fulfil their responsibilities with regard to social and environmental impacts from January 1, 2024.

The first pilot customer is a hospital association with 17 clinics in the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia and initial results are already available. “There are big differences in the direct emissions, which can be attributed to the condition of the building envelope and the age and condition of the heating systems”, Hartmann says. “However, Scope 3 emissions are significantly higher, caused in particular by the purchased materials and traffic. The captured and processed data provides the hospitals with a clear indication of potential areas for improvement.” mm

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