Manno - Since it was founded in 2014, Tecnopolo Ticino has played a vital role in the development of 72 companies. Together they have accumulated almost 80 million Swiss francs in capital. The key sectors are ICT, life sciences, agritech, and cleantech.

Tecnopolo Ticino in Manno, Switzerland, has been supporting growth-oriented startups with the last stages of scalability and internationalization for ten years now. Stefano Rizzi, director of the canton of Ticino's economic division and vice president of Fondazione Agire, commented in a press release: “Today, Tecnopolo Ticino is a cornerstone of the regional innovation system of our canton.” The media release further adds that the institute has played a key role in the development of 72 startups, which have accumulated almost 80 million Swiss francs in funds altogether.

Tecnopolo is managed by Fondazione Agire, the innovation agency of the canton of Ticino. It is part of Technopark-Allianz, a network of eight technology parks in Switzerland with the shared aim of promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology transfer. At the end of 2023, Tecnopolo accommodated 28 companies. They are active in the vital sectors of ICT, life sciences, agritech, and cleantech and employ more than 60 skilled workers.

Fondazione Agire considers the fact that more than 80 percent of the companies that started operation within the context of Tecnopolo are still active today to be proof of the soundness of the support offered. The announcement mentions xFarm Technologies as one of the most remarkable success stories. The digital agriculture company recently received 34 million Swiss francs in a series C funding round – the largest financing received by a Tecnopolo company to date.

The startup Gain Therapeutics was listed on the NASDAQ in 2021. DAC SystemIwinHive Power, and Tissue Labs also stood out as did the fact that Pilatus Aircraft has chosen Tecnopolo as the location for its research and development. However, according to President of Fondazione Agire Luca Bolzani, this positive result "is not just due to the successes of individual companies, but also to the strength of the network that we have built". ce/mm

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