Zurich - DeepJudge obtains $10.7 million in an oversubscribed seed funding round. Its DeepJudge Knowledge Search software enables legal firms to instantly find relevant content in various formats from across the enterprise.

DeepJudge has raised $10.7 million in a seed financing round, according to a press release issued by CEO and co-founder Paulina Grnarova.

The startup was founded in 2021 and has launched DeepJudge Knowledge Search, which is specifically aimed at law firms, on the market. The product was developed by former Google researchers with PhDs in artificial intelligence (AI) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and, according to the press release, is the only AI-powered product that can search through all of a firm’s documents and formats. DeepJudge uses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technology to deliver the most relevant and up-to-date information from the millions of documents generated by a firm.

The funding round was led by New York-based investment firm Coatue. Coatue General Partner Caryn Marooney emphasizes that the firm is impressed from a technology standpoint by “DeepJudge’s approach to solving data retrieval, which we believe is crucial to achieve high-quality generative results.” CEO Grnarova says DeepJudge guarantees this secure connection between large language models (LLMs) and firms’ data, while complying with various access rights and ethical walls.

She says that the DeepJudge search software not only enables users to identify, in just a few clicks, someone who has faced a specific scenario and see how they addressed it, but also offers business development opportunities: “Imagine the possibilities if a quick search of your documents could tell you which clients have a certain clause in their contracts that has just been made problematic due to a recent regulatory change.” ce/mm

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